We currently have 3 domains where BtcPremium provides its services. As the security of our users is the most important for us, we've completely separated this 3 domains and these 3 different urls are pointing to different contents as well.

BtcPremium Cryptucurrency Trading Platform

The BtcPremium platform enables secure trading with crypto and FIAT currencies.

BtcPremium Trading Platform

BtcPremium Blog

Btcpremium.eu is a blog site where you can find valuable information about the platform, cryptocurrency reviews and other services.

BtcPremium Blog

BtcPremium Support - Customer Service

On this web site you will find our customer service team, knowledge base and customer forum. You can use this site to get quick information about the platform, leave us feedback, or ask for a solution to your problem.

BtcPremium Support